By opting into our Marketing Program, you agree to receive personalized ads and offers that can help you earn even more NCOG tokens. Here’s how it works:
Personalized Ads
We use your data to show you ads and offers that match your interests.
Data Sharing
Your preferences and interactions may be shared with our marketing partners to create tailored experiences for you.
Engage with Ads
View or interact with targeted ads and receive additional NCOG tokens as rewards.
Special Offers
Participate in exclusive promotions and earn tokens for engaging with sponsored content.
More Earnings
The more you engage with personalized ads, the more tokens you can earn.
Relevant Content: Receive offers and ads that are relevant to your interests, enhancing your experience on NCOG Shop.
Opt-In Anytime
You can choose to join the Marketing Program whenever you want.
Opt-Out Easily
If you decide the program isn’t for you, you can opt out at any time through your account settings. Opting out may reduce the number of tokens you can earn through ads and promotions.
By opting into the Marketing Program, you’re helping us provide you with better rewards and a more personalized experience on NCOG Shop. Thank you for participating!